Fairfax Family Dental Care

Do I Have Gum Disease? Look for These Symptoms and Warning Signs

Aug 16, 2024 @ 10:24 AM — by fairfaxfamilydentalcare
Tagged with: Gum Disease

Fairfax Family Dental Care offers comprehensive dentistry to improve the condition of your teeth, gums, and other structures of the mouth. This includes prevention and management of periodontal disease affecting your gum health.

We get many questions from our Fairfax, VA, patients about gum disease. Maybe the biggest question is, “How do I know if I have gum disease?”

There are a few common warning signs and risk factors that you should know. Let’s go over some of the basics of gum disease so you can identify the earliest symptoms as soon as possible.

What Is Gum Disease?

Gum disease is an infection of the gum tissue caused by the bacteria that naturally occurs in the mouth.

In its earliest stages, gum disease is known as gingivitis. If allowed to progress without treatment, you can develop periodontitis, a more serious form of inflammation.

The Most Common Signs of Gum Disease

The most common symptoms of gingivitis and periodontitis include:

You should see a dentist about your issues as soon as you notice persistent bleeding, swelling, and bad breath.

Risk Factors for Gum Disease

There are a few common risk factors associated with developing gum disease. Here are four key risk factors worth noting.

Use of Tobacco Products

If you smoke, vape, or use chewing tobacco, you are more likely to experience gum inflammation and soft tissue infections.

Poor Oral Hygiene

Brushing twice a day and flossing every night prevents cavities and gum disease. Failure to clean your teeth makes all kinds of dental problems more likely.

Persistent Dry Mouth

Dry mouth (xerostomia) leads to conditions that allow oral bacteria to thrive, making bad breath, tooth decay, and gum disease more likely.

Poor Diet and Nutrition

A diet that’s poorly balanced and heavy on excess sugar, sweets, and junk food can contribute to poor general health and bad oral health.

What Treatments Can Help Manage Gum Disease?

There are different treatments to control oral bacteria and reduce inflammation of the gum tissue. During your visit to our Fairfax dental office, we can examine your teeth and gums and develop a proper treatment plan.

A deep cleaning to remove tartar and plaque at the gumline can help address some pockets where bacteria may be hiding. We may also recommend an antiseptic rinse or antibacterial mouthwash to help keep the infection under control.

If you experienced significant gum recession due to advanced periodontal disease, we can perform gum grafting procedures to help restore your gumline.

Contact Our Dentists for a Checkup Today

If you have noticed any of the warning signs of gum disease, you know who you can turn to for help. Our dentists are ready to get you the treatment you need. To set up an appointment, contact Fairfax Family Dental Care. Our dentists look forward to seeing you in person.